Seed Solution

Emergency Fundraiser

We are Seed Solution, a small non-profit team of volunteers, helping to feed people around the world, in about a dozen countries. We began as a 4-H project in 2013 which has grown into a non-profit. Our mission is to provide seeds and teach farming, to help people to feed themselves. We’ve been successful at this for many years:

Click Here to read The History of Seed Solution


 Unfortunately, the recent Covid pandemic, famine caused by a 40-year drought in Kenya, and war in the Ukraine have increased the suffering in many of our outposts and hunger is at the door for thousands.  Although we are small, we have helped increase the food security of over 10,000 people globally. We are now beyond our resources, because the need has become so great and people are literally starving to death.  

It is desperate times and we hope that you will help urgently with food NOW.  You have the ability to save hundreds, if not thousands, of lives.

100% of donations go to the people in need, with receipts and documentation.

You can’t imagine how great your help will be received by those in need. You will receive pictures and video of people thanking you for the lives you save. You will be helping the most needy in this world.

Over the last 2 years, members of our non-profit have personally donated over $60,000 of their own money to bring hope and help. We want you to know that we are putting our money where our mouth is. But the problems have grown out of hand and we need help. Your help, perhaps. Thank you in advance.

If you would like a personal relationship with any of our advisors or their communities, or sponsor a child’s education, we can try to arrange that, but your privacy is fully respected.

If you would prefer to send a check, please make it out to “Seed Solution” and send it to this address:

Seed Solution

437 Lakeside Road

Hewitt, NJ 07421

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us:


Celeste Hampton         (862) 332-1341   [email protected]


Jon Carpenter        (201) 306-6376   [email protected]

You can donate at any time by clicking the Donate button at the top of the page.

Our Mission Used to be Simple


(Click on any pic to see it full screen)


Connect Around the World


Find Reputable Advisors


Send Seeds


Provide Water Towers


Grow Food


Require Receipts


Get Visual Documentation

Our efforts evolved and grew over 4 years, almost with a life of it’s own.

Then Covid struck. Our seed stock donations ceased abruptly and, suddenly, we could not get much of our seeds out, as world travel halted.

Worst hit is Kenya. Covid caused their goverment to shut the livestock markets, depriving them of any income. Then the war raised all the prices. Now, the drought has turned much of Kenya into a dustbowl.

Here is a video describing the situation, which includes our advisor Benson:

(Click to watch the video)

The Kenyan Drought Crisis


The results of this drought are devastating:


This child, mourning the loss of his donkey, is heartbreaking



Our Advisors

Click on any picture, below, to read more about their story.